Since September 2023: Erasmus+ Programm in Cinéma at
Université Paris 8
2022-2023: Student assistant at Institute for cultural policy at the public University of Hildesheim (Hildesheim, Germany)
Since 2021: Scholarship at Studienstiftung d. D. V.
Since 2020: B.A. studies in „Szenische Künste“ (scenic arts) at the public University of Hildesheim (Hildesheim, Germany)
2020: Assistance Sounddesign for Roman Vehlken for the arte series Wer war zuletzt am Kühlschrank? at Freudenhammer Tonstudios (Hamburg, Germany)
2020-2023: Live subtitle operator for the production „Vögel“ by Haken Savaş Mican at Thalia Theater, including performances at Baden (Switzerland) and Bolzano (Italy)
2020: Second assistant at stage design department for Wolfgang Menardi for the production (R)evolution at Thalia Theater (Hamburg, Germany)
2020: Second assistant at theatre directing department for Haken Savaş Mican for the production Vögel at Thalia Theater (Hamburg, Germany)
2019: Assistance at stage design and construction department for Marta Cicionesi for the production Det Glömdas Traedgard at Skillinge Teater (Skillinge, Sweden)
2016: Internship at CliSAP (interdisciplinary climate research) at public University of Hamburg (Hamburg, Germany)
2015-2019: Part of the initiating organizers collective of Hamburger Schulslam, a students organized Poetry Slam battle between several schools (Hamburg, Germany)
2001: Born in Hamburg, Germany